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Bring Back Our Sonics Night!

  • CaskCades 106-A N Meridian Puyallup (map)

Alright, folks, get ready for an epic blast from the past! This is the Bring Back Our Sonics night, coming to life at CaskCades!

Picture this: you're dressed to the nines in your best Seattle SuuuuuuperSonics gear and you get on that red carpet and fly on down to Caskcades!

Hosted by Vice Beer, the evening promises a slam dunk of flavors with three incredible beers from their lineup—one of which is a brand new release that's sure to make history. Whether you’re a die-hard Sonics fan or simply in it for a great night out with games, laughs, and unbeatable beer, this is the event to be at.

So, rally your crew, dust off those retro jerseys, and fly on over to Caskcades for a night that celebrates our beloved Sonics legacy in true Kevin Calabro style—exciting, unforgettable, and absolutely full of heart. Let's make this a night to remember!

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